You are here because you're ready to activate your Truest Life Path NOW.

Join me, Danielle Lynn, and an intimate group of fellow alchemists for a 6 week transformational workshop - as we shed what is complete, establish our inner core foundation, and go all in with our most true selves.

Click Below To Register.

First Live Meditation Starts Mid-August.

Hello friend, I'm excited to extend this invitation to you.

If you are reading this, you are being invited to explore joining an upcoming meditation Mastermind, designed to connect you with your TRUE self, as you release blocks, establish a core inner foundation, and connect you to your most natural, prosperous way of living. The way you were designed to live.

This 6 Week Experience is a gentle, yet empowering portal

 for those who are choosing to go all in with their lives now.

Even reading this message is an act of empowerment between you and yourself

Over the 6 weeks together, we'll peel back layers individually and as a group, as you remember how to fully live as your most authentic self, moment to moment.

You will experience discussions, guided meditations, and flow-based practices suited to you, to help you reorient your body, mind, and psyche in practical ways... 

...So you can more clearly identify what matters to you in life, and live it with precision and ease. 

Here's how Each Week Looks: 

  • Week 1: Choice (Self-Respect) Make the decision to go all in and give yourself consent—this is the most important step.
  • Week 2: Clarity (Self-Clarity) Call your power in by clarifying what matters to you, your values, and where you place your focus.
  • Week 3: Negotiate and Integrate (Self-Unity) Reset and integrate all parts of yourself, starting with your biggest block, resistance, or energy.
  • Week 4: Truth View and Gratitude (Self-Awareness and Love) Discern and see your truths, understanding your roadmap from here.
  • Week 5: Daily Iterative Steps Implement daily, iterative commitments that align with your core, allowing magic to happen in your life.
  • Week 6: Consistency and Momentum (Amplification) Maintain the habits that build momentum and refine your essence and purity.
  • Completion: Reflect, Release, Renew (Appreciation and Renewal) Appreciate your achievements, see what is ready to be shed, and prepare to start a new cycle, understanding it as a process of continuous renewal.

Be part of a like-spirited community, joined in empowered intention.

In the workshop, you will be connected with other like-spirited mastermind participants, all in a journey of remembering together.  This powerful harmonizing of others creates a powerful momentum in our individual lives and in all of our lives as a group.

This is about taking steps to start living in better harmony with who you really are at your core. It's a chance to slow down, go inward, and start making shifts to feel more fulfillment and peace.

These groups become powerful supportive communities - with lasting friendships formed.  It can be truly life-transforming.

During this 6 week journey, you will experience a series of activations including:

  • Deep Grounding into your body mind and spirit
  • Movement from “head” to “core” guided way of living
  • Ancestral remembering/ reconnection
  • A fresh perspective and release around any personal challenges
  • Develop lasting inner clarity
  • A 27 Day Realignment (Repatterning into your natural self)
  • Connection with your unique community

How Does The Group Meet?

  • Weekly Zoom Calls: We'll meet once a week for 5 weeks on Zoom, at a time we all agree upon as a group. Each 1-2 hour call will include guided meditations, practical training, and group sharing/Q&A.  The calls will be recorded, in the event you cannot join on a specific day.
  • Private Group Chat: After our first session, we enter a private WhatsApp group for everyone. This will allow us to stay connected, share insights, and support each other between calls.
  • Additional Meditations and Training All calls will be recorded so you can re-watch them. I'll also provide supplemental video lessons and journaling exercises to enhance your experience as is resonant.

Important Details:

  • No Two Groups are the Same: Each group has a unique blend of individuals. As you decide your next step, I invite you to check in with your heart - it will lead you to the right group.
  • Small Group Setting: We'll have just 6 people maximum to create an intimate environment where everyone can open up fully. Everything shared will be kept confidential within the group.
  • What is the investment: Registration is $300 for the 6 weeks.  All participants will commit to one hour per week to meet, as well as up to 5-10 minutes per day minimum for practices. 

Experience the embodied path of True Self Alchemy with Danielle and our Synchronistic group of Reality Creators Now.

  • 6 Weeks of training and guidance through the True Self Alchemy process 
  • 6 Live calls with Danielle Lynn and the community
  • Access to private recorded meditations and activations
  • For all who join before August 15th, you will have access to the "True Self Alchemy" Community chat with Danielle and others for the remainder of 2024 

Your spot is secured for a one time enrollment of $300